Di Cina, produk mana yang akan kartu gores diterapkan

In China, which products will scratch cards be applied to

Di Cina, produk mana yang akan kartu gores diterapkan

06 Des 2023

In China, Kartu Gores are commonly used in the following products:

Lottery ticket
1. Lottery: The most common application of scratch cards is as a type of lottery. People can purchase scratch card lottery tickets and use coins or nails to scratch off the coating on the card to reveal whether there is a prize.

2. Promotional activities: Scratch cards are widely used in promotional activities by businesses. Businesses can use scratch cards as a form of reward, giving them to customers to increase their desire to purchase and promote sales. After customers purchase products, they can use scratch cards to uncover the coating and see if they have won a prize or received a discount.

Advertising and promotion
3. Advertising and promotion: Scratch cards are also used in advertising and promotional activities. Companies can distribute scratch cards to potential customers or participants in events as a promotional medium. Scratch cards can be printed with the company's logo, slogan, or advertising information to attract attention and increase brand awareness.

Membership cards
4. Membership cards: Some businesses or clubs use scratch cards as part of their membership privileges. After members make purchases or participate in specific activities, they can use scratch cards to uncover the coating and obtain additional rewards or special discounts.

It's important to note that scratch cards may have different designs and functions in different application scenarios. The examples above are just some common ways they are used, and there are other creative uses as well.